Marilena Sifaki was born in 1979 in Palaio Psixiko , Athens.
After graduating Varkakeio school of Psixiko her secondary education institution she moved to England and began her studies in architecture in 1998.
Got her bachelor’s degree at Kent University in Canterbury in2001 ,there for the first time she got involved with projects that encapsulate architectural research for Sustainable Environmental Design.
After her graduation she continued with her post-gratuate studies and her diploma in Architectrure at Brigthon University . In Brighton she got to evolve her studies and look more into the existing relation between architecture and environment seeking reusable and environmental friendly materials that could be used in many versatile designs.
For example her Thesis project was in the use of ETFE membrane but instead of air filled installations ,she designed an open air market at the docks of Thames river that operated with tidal currents indicating high and low tides. .
Graduated in 2004 and received her Diploma in Architecture ,then returned back in her home country –GREECE .
While working back in Athens she has also attended and graduated the LSA Stage Design School of Maria Chaniotaki where she focused on the studies between the ambiguous interconnection of stage design and audience, while evaluating in the mean time evaluating the positioning of architecture in theatre studies.
Back in Athens she worked next to Giorgos Sifakis where she started designing many big projects , her awareness towards the environment during her first years as a young Architect drove all of her conceptual designs .
She was leading big projects from her early years of work , like Residential designs throughout Greece , Hotel schemes , the design of many Retail Shops and industrial buildings and last but not least one of her biggest interests, redesigning Recycled furniture .